quantum leap

美 [ˌkwɑːntəm ˈliːp]英 [ˌkwɒntəm ˈliːp]
  • n.飞跃;突变;巨变
quantum leapquantum leap


a sudden, great and important change, improvement or development

also less frequent quantum jump


a sudden large increase or advance
this may not insure success but it will represent a quantum leap from last summer
Synonym: quantum jump


  1. He said the Internet had led to a " quantum leap " for distance education providers , particularly in places with good broadband infrastructure such as South Korea , Japan , Hong Kong and Singapore .


  2. Every time I come back to China and see new work , the quality has taken a quantum leap .


  3. The scale of migration took a quantum leap in the early 1970s .


  4. The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare


  5. This discovery is a quantum leap for medical science .


  6. This new discovery constitutes a quantum leap in the held of cancer research .


  7. Step 3 : Make the quantum leap .


  8. This discovery marks a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer .


  9. If you put in a consistent effort you could make a quantum leap towards your dreams .


  10. The answer is : This book is a quantum leap ahead of the others .


  11. Explaining the premise of quantum leap to the guy .


  12. Our plan is the only one that will restore people 's faith and show that a quantum leap forward is possible .


  13. A quantum leap in computing


  14. Disk storage companies are pitching these drives as a quantum leap in enterprise storage performance , and they are .


  15. Indeed , China has achieved a quantum leap in its development , which is regarded as a remarkable success by the international community .


  16. Apple will be hoping that when customers try the iPad it really does feel like a quantum leap in personal computing .


  17. The product employed the technology of computer emulation of human speech The quantum leap in writing technology came with the introduction of personal computers .


  18. The quantum leap in our access to information about almost everything has dramatically changed the playing field in almost every way , in life and business .


  19. In the final days you will also see the Masters revealed , and they will prepare you for the quantum leap forward you are about to make .


  20. You have climbed your way back to present levels , and will soon take a quantum leap forward allowing you to re-claim lost abilities .


  21. The Supreme Intelligence offers you this opportunity to join this quantum leap , and it depends on you whether you board the train or remain on Earth .


  22. The dividends are visible in the quantum leap in relations with Nepal , Bhutan , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka .


  23. The " quantum leap " for us at the Lab came when we realised that these queries can be performed on the registries of remote machines .


  24. Although they do afford some incremental benefits , such as enhanced project communication , they are not capable of providing a quantum leap in productivity , quality , or time to market .


  25. By the time you reach that point the quantum leap we often refer to will have taken place , and you will be once more the sovereign Beings that you really are .


  26. The ability to generate RPG web service stubs is a quantum leap from when RPG programmers had to figure out how to use the C web service stubs .


  27. David Harding , head of Winton Capital , one of the biggest quantitative hedge funds in the world , is also doubtful that AI represents a quantum leap for the investment industry .


  28. The programme has enabled me to take a quantum leap in my career and prepared me to take on a strategic C-level [ chief-level ] role right after graduation , said another alumnus .


  29. " In15 years , we have achieved what we call a quantum leap by really establishing those institutions , building their capacity , and providing them with grants and loans ," Arif adds .


  30. Secondly , a shift from the ' structuralist ' thinking to the ' reconstructionist ' thinking is required for endogenous growth and Blue Ocean strategy tools and frameworks can be applied at every level to systematically go for a quantum leap in national progress .
